Sanford Creative
When it comes time for you vĩ đại move into a new trang chủ or apartment, don't forget vĩ đại update your address. All you have vĩ đại bởi is fill out a change-of-address (COA) size online or at the post office through the United States Postal Service (USPS). However, if you've already changed your address with USPS, but appear vĩ đại not be receiving some of your mail, here's how vĩ đại verify that your change of address (COA) went through.
Step 1
Visit the United States Postal Service's official change-of-address site here. A small caveat: if you are changing your address vĩ đại a P..O. box, you need vĩ đại rent the box first. You can find more information about that process here.
Step 2
Scroll down vĩ đại the bottom of the page and click the links entitled "View or Edit" next vĩ đại the question "Have you already changed your address?"
Step 3
Fill out the fields for your unique confirmation number and new zip code. After you finish your electronic COA, kiểm tra your gmail for your confirmation number, or the notification letter that was mailed vĩ đại you. You can also find it in the USPS welcome kit sent vĩ đại you, if you filed a paper COA. Click "Get Started" after typing in your information.
Step 4
After modifying your COA request, you can expect your mail vĩ đại begin arriving at your new address within seven vĩ đại 10 USPS business days from the COA start date. If you lập cập into any issues when checking your COA status, kiểm tra the USPS's FAQ section or liên hệ the Customer Care Center for assistance. If you've lost your confirmation code, visit your local post office vĩ đại make any COA changes.
Note that USPS will only forward periodicals, such as magazines and newsletters, vĩ đại your new address for 60 days. Mail will only be forwarded for 12 months. In the meantime, it is your responsibility vĩ đại notify all senders that your address has been changed. If you want vĩ đại kiểm tra what mail pieces will be coming your way, try this secret hack on the USPS trang web.
You might also lượt thích these brilliant hacks so sánh you never need vĩ đại wait in line at the post office again.