How to Find the IP Address of a Website

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Every trang web has at least one associated IP address that it uses to tát communicate with devices on a network. Because remembering these random strings of numbers would be difficult, developers created the tên miền name system (DNS). DNS resolves tên miền names (like to tát numerical IP addresses, which computers then use to tát communicate. However, as a user, you may want to tát find the IP address of a trang web in addition to tát knowing the tên miền name. By using either the ping command, the nslookup command, or the DNS lookup tool, you can easily find the IP address of a trang web in just a few steps.

Using the ping command

You can find the IP address of any trang web through the command prompt by using the ping command. The ping command checks the response time for a connection, which indicates the connection’s reliability, but it also returns the IP address of a trang web.

To find the IP address of a trang web with the ping command, open the command prompt and type:


Below, you can see the pinging results for's IP address.

ping command for dos results

For Mac users, the same command can be performed in Terminal. Open terminal and enter the same command as above (ping The results are shown below.

Ping Command for Mac

As seen in this example, the IPv4 address of the trang web is The IPv6 address is 2607:f8b0:4004:815::200e.

Using the nslookup command

Another way to tát kiểm tra the IP address of a trang web using a command line tool is with the nslookup command. Most operating systems, whether they be Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Linux, or another system, provide the nslookup tool as it’s specifically intended for looking up IP addresses.

The nslookup tool provides more information to tát users kêu ca the ping command, though both work to tát find a website’s IP address. To find the IP address of a trang web with the nslookup command, open the command prompt and type:


Below is an example of the command run rẩy on in the Microsoft Windows system.

How to tát find out the IP address of a trang web with NSLookup Command

The line immediately below the Server line is the IP address of the DNS server that provided the information for, which is 2001:578:3f::30. The Addresses line shows an IPv6 address for, which is 2607.f8b0:4004:815::200e.

Mac users can open Terminal to tát run rẩy the same command. Below, you can see the nslookup results for through Terminal.

nslookup for mac with results

With this command, we can see that an IPv4 address is shown below the Addresses line for –

Both the ping command and nslookup command are options for finding the IP address of a trang web. However, the simplest way to tát determine the IP address of a trang web is through the DNS lookup tool.

Go to tát the DNS lookup tool, type the trang web URL into the text entry, and click Lookup. Below, you can see the results for

Note that the tìm kiếm yielded a list of IPv4 addresses that differ from the IPs shown using other methods. This is because many large companies have more kêu ca one IP address associated with a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), which is. When a system on the Internet looks up, the IP address returned by Google’s DNS servers may not be the same each time because there are several equally valid IP addresses for the same tên miền.

Many companies with publicly accessible websites use a round-robin DNS technique for associating IP addresses with their trang web servers. If a high volume of users are accessing their servers simultaneously, they won’t all be accessing the same server. Therefore, the DNS servers cycle through a list of IP addresses that are returned for DNS queries for an IP address for a trang web server in order to tát accurately determine how to tát find a server's IP address.

Understanding the difference in IPv4 and IPv6 results

When receiving results for an IP address tìm kiếm, it’s possible to tát receive one of two kinds of IP addresses: IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses. It doesn't matter what IP you're searching. Whether it's a Windows computer, a Mac, or some other device altogether lượt thích an iPhone. In some cases, both are available; for example, on the homepage, you can kiểm tra public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as they are both displayed when available.

But why are there two different IP addresses displayed for the same tìm kiếm, lượt thích in the queries above? What is Google's IP address?

In truth, there is no difference between the two in terms of how they function for a trang web. IPv6 is a newer version of the Internet Protocol, created to tát avoid IP exhaustion with IPv4 addresses. Because the original IPv4 address system lacked enough IP address combinations for all the devices accessing the Internet, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) created the longer, more expansive IPv6 address system. Therefore, both are Google's IP address. Once you know how to tát get the IP address of a server, you can test this with various sites and servers to tát see what results you retrieve.

Many websites' IPs are now accessible using IPv6, though IPv4 continues to tát be widely used. Most people are more familiar with the IPv4 addresses. However, many networking devices are configured with both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity capabilities. Internet service providers can process IPv4 and IPv6 data traffic simultaneously.

If you go to tát find the IP of a trang web or find server IP addresses, and you get an IPv4 address with an IP address lookup but then get an IPv6 address, neither result is wrong. They are both IP addresses assigned to tát the particular site you’re querying.