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When you visit a trang web running over HTTPS a series of steps are performed between the browser and the trang web server vĩ đại ensure the certificate and SSL/TLS connection is valid.

Some of these include the TLS handshake, the certificate being checked against the certificate authority, and decryption of the certificate.


If for some reason the browser doesn’t lượt thích what it sees, such as a misconfiguration or unsupported version, your browser might display the following error: “ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH” which prevents you from accessing the site.

Check out a few recommendations on how vĩ đại fix this error.


The ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error typically happens on older operating systems or browsers.

But that is not always the case. In fact, we just recently encountered a user having this issue on their WordPress site who was migrating vĩ đại Kinsta from another host. We were, of course, running the latest version of Chrome, sánh the issue was with their SSL certificate. Chrome is actually protecting you by not letting you load it.


You might also see a variation of the error, such as:

  • Error 113 (net::err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch): unknown error
  • The client and server don’t tư vấn a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite


Check out the main solutions below and what you can bởi about it.

Check Your SSL Certificate

If you see this error, the first and easiest place vĩ đại start is vĩ đại perform an SSL kiểm tra on the certificate that is installed on the site. We recommend using the không tính tiền SSL kiểm tra tool from Qualys SSL Labs. It is very reliable and we use it for all Kinsta clients when verifying certificates. Simply input your tên miền into the Hostname field and click on “Submit.”

You can also select the option vĩ đại hide public results if you prefer. It could take a minute or two vĩ đại scan your site’s SSL/TLS configuration on your trang web server.

Check SSL certificate

Check for Certificate Name Mismatch

In this particular instance, the customer migrating vĩ đại Kinsta had a certificate name mismatch which was throwing up the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error. As you can see from the SSL Labs test below, this is pretty quick and easy vĩ đại diagnose. As SSL Labs states, a mismatch can be a number of things such as:

  • The site does not use SSL, but shares an IP address with some other site that does.
  • The site no longer exists, yet the tên miền still points vĩ đại the old IP address, where some other site is now hosted.
  • The site uses a nội dung delivery network (CDN) that doesn’t tư vấn SSL.
  • The tên miền name alias is for a trang web whose name is different, but the alias was not included in the certificate.
Certificate name mismatch
Certificate name mismatch

Another easy way vĩ đại kiểm tra the current tên miền name issue on the certificate is vĩ đại open up Chrome DevTools on the site. Right-click anywhere on the trang web and click on “Inspect.” Then click on the security tab and click on “View certificate.” The issued tên miền will show in the certificate information. If this doesn’t match the current site you’re on, this is a problem.

Check issued tên miền on SSL certificate
Check issued tên miền on SSL certificate

Remember though, there are wildcard certificates and other variations, but for a typical site, it should match exactly. However, in our case, the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error actually prevented us from being able vĩ đại kiểm tra it in Chrome DevTools. That is where a tool like SSL Labs can come in handy.

Check for Old TLS version

Another possible reason is that the TLS version running on the trang web server is old. Ideally, it should be running at least TLS 1.2 (better yet, TLS 1.3). If you are a Kinsta customer you never have vĩ đại worry about this as we always upgrade our servers vĩ đại the latest and greatest supported versions. Kinsta supports TLS 1.3 on all of our servers and our Kinsta CDN. Cloudflare also enables TLS 1.3 by mặc định.

(Suggested reading: if you’re using legacy TLS versions, you might want vĩ đại fix ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_VERSION Notifications in Chrome).

This is something the SSL Labs tool can also help with. Under configuration, it will show you the current version of TLS running on the server with that certificate. If it is old, reach out vĩ đại your host and ask them vĩ đại update their TLS version.

TLS 1.3 server support
TLS 1.3 server support

Check RC4 Cipher Suite

Another reason according vĩ đại Google’s documentation for ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH is that the RC4 cipher suite was removed in Chrome version 48. This is not very common, but it could happen in say larger enterprise deployments that require RC4. Why? Because everything usually takes longer vĩ đại upgrade and update in bigger and more complex configurations.

Security researchers, Google, and Microsoft recommend that RC4 be disabled. So you should make sure the server configuration is enabled with a different cipher suite. You can view the current cipher suite in the SSL Labs tool (as seen below).

Cipher suite
Cipher suite

Clear the SSL State In Chrome

Another thing vĩ đại try is clearing the SSL state in Chrome. Just lượt thích clearing your browser’s cache this can sometimes help if things get out of sync. To clear the SSL state in Chrome on Windows, follow these steps:

  • Click the Google Chrome – Settings icon (Settings) icon, and then click Settings.
  • Click Show advanced settings.
  • Under Network, click Change proxy settings. The Internet Properties dialog box appears.
  • Click the Content tab.
  • Click “Clear SSL state”, and then click OK.
  • Restart Chrome.
Clear SSL state in Chrome on Windows
Clear SSL state in Chrome on Windows

If you are on a Mac, here’s how you can delete an SSL certificate:

  1. From the Finder, click Go -> Utilities -> KeyChain Access.
  2. In the left pane, click on System.
  3. Click on the certificate that you wish vĩ đại delete.
  4. In the thực đơn bar, click on Edit -> Delete. You will be prompted for confirmation.
  5. Provide your password vĩ đại modify the keychain. This is likely your login password.
  6. After a brief wait, you should no longer see the certificate in the certificate list.

We’ve taken our knowledge of effective trang web management at scale, and turned it into an ebook and video clip course. Click on the liên kết vĩ đại tải về The Guide vĩ đại Managing 60+ WordPress Sites!

Use a New Operating System

Older operating systems fall out of date with newer technologies such as TLS 1.3 and the latest cipher suites as browsers stop supporting them. Specific components in the latest SSL certs will simply stop working. Google Chrome, in fact, pulled the plug on Windows XP back in năm ngoái. We always recommend upgrading vĩ đại newer operating systems if possible, such as Windows 10 or the latest version of Mac OS X.

Temporary Disable Antivirus

The last thing we recommend trying if you are still seeing the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error is vĩ đại ensure you don’t have an antivirus program running. Or try temporarily disabling it. Some antivirus programs create a layer between your browser and the trang web with their own certificates. This can sometimes cause issues.