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Which of the following types of RAM needs to tướng be constantly recharged to tướng retain the contents?
What is the first step to tướng performing hardware maintenance?
Jennifer turns on her máy tính and hears a series of beeps. What bởi they probably indicate?
What should you bởi if a headset plugged into your computer is not working properly?
Manny copied a table from an MS Excel tệp tin, closed the tệp tin, and then pasted the table in an MS Word document. Where was the table stored after he copied it?
What is the most common type of storage device for transferring files from one computer to tướng another?
Which of the following devices is the easiest to tướng upgrade, such as by adding RAM?
Surya's computer monitor display does not seem to tướng work despite repeated attempts to tướng fix the issue. Which of the following is most likely to tướng be causing display problems?
Faulty power or Clip cable
Which of the following types of RAM needs to tướng be constantly recharged to tướng retain the contents?
What is the correct sequence of processing instructions in a machine cycle?
Fetch à decode à execute à store
To resolve major computer issues, computer professionals often suggest restoring the operating system. Which of the following should happen before this step?
Transfer contents to tướng an external storage device.
Alessandro wants to tướng use his desktop computer to tướng Clip chat with his mother. What hardware does he need to tướng accomplish this?
Use his webcam and speakers ví that he and his mother can both see and hear each other.
Jennifer turns on her máy tính and hears a series of beeps. What bởi they probably indicate?
internal hardware problem
What printer is commonly used to tướng produce high-quality professional drawings such as architectural blueprints?
What determines the tốc độ at which data travels?
What could cause an external drive, lượt thích a USB flash drive, to tướng not be recognized when plugged into a computer?
What is the first step to tướng performing hardware maintenance?
Turn off the computer and remove its power source.
What is the recommended solution if a computer performs slowly?
A joystick is a pen-type input device used to tướng draw and tap icons.
False, A joystick is a type of game controller that controls the actions of a simulated player. A stylus is a pen-shaped device to tướng carry out tasks lượt thích drawing and tapping on icons.