Linux Essentials 010-150 Part 2 Flashcards

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You type touch afile.txt in a directory that contains no files. What will be the effect?

A. The afile.txt tệp tin from your trang chủ directory will be copied to tát the current directory.
B. The afile.txt tệp tin in your trang chủ directory will have its time stamp updated.
C. Nothing, the command will return without doing anything.
D. A new empty tệp tin called afile.txt will be created in the current directory.
E. The touch command will return a tệp tin not found error.

What option can you pass to tát groupadd to tát have it create a group with GID number 1027

A. -groupnum 1027
B. -gnum 1027
C. -gidnum 1027
D. -group 1027
E. -gid 1027

Which Linux directory holds the system configuration files?

A. /etc
B. /bin
C. /lib
D. /usr
E. /home

Which of the following programs enable root to tát phối the ownership of files?

A. chmod
B. chown
C. usermod
D. Nautilus
E. touch

Which of the following options to tát chown changes the ownership of all the subdirectories of any specified directories, rather than vãn just the files or directories that are explicitly passed to tát it?

A. -R
B. -tree
C. -recursive
D. -all
E. -t

Which of the following outcomes will you get after executing the -cvf /tmp/etc.tar /etc command?

A. Compressed File
B. Archived File
C. Extracted file
D. Encrypted file

Which of the following actions is performed when a tệp tin is uncompressed?

A. Execute
B. Extract
C. Archive
D. Remove

Which of the following is a Linux software that can be used to tát create 3 chiều images (Both stills and animations)?

A. Audacity
B. Blender
D. Image Magick
E. Handbrake

Which of the following pieces of information on user accounts is not normally stored in the /etc/passwd tệp tin on the modern Linux distributions?

A. The account's mặc định shell
B. The account's mặc định GID number
C. The account's UID number
D. The account's username
E. The account's Password

A. The account's mặc định shell

Which command would create a zip tệp tin containing the files holiday.tif and desc.txt and compress it as much as possible?

A. zip -1 holiday.tif desc.txt
B. zip -1 hoilday.tif desc.txt
C. zip -c holiday.tif desc.txt
D. zip -9 holiday.tif desc.txt
E. zip -9 holiday.tif desc.txt

E. zip -9 holiday.tif desc.txt

You've received a tarball called data79.tar from a colleague, but you want to tát kiểm tra the names of the files it contains before extracting them. Which of the following commands would you use to tát tự this?

A. tar cvf data79.tar
B. tar xvf data79.tar
C. tar tvf data79.tar
D. tar Avf data79.tar
E. tar uvf data79.tar

Where did the Linux kernel originate?

A. American Telephone and Telegraph
B. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. The University of Helsinki
D. The University of California
E. Apple Computer

C. The University of Helsinki

Which basic command will create a symbolic links (shortcut)to a file?

A. cp
B. touch
C. echo
D. ln
E. cat

What _____ was created to tát give a standardization to tát the Linux filesystem structure.

C. ext4
E. There is no standardization for Linux in filesystem structure.

Which of the following commands supports both gzip and bzip2 compression?

A. tar
B. archive
C. zip
D. zcat

Which of the following is a common Linux server program?

C. Samba
D. LibreOffice
E. Firefox

You're writing a script that will be called by other scripts. You want to tát signal abnormal termination of your script by passing a value of 8 to tát the external script under some circumstances. What command can you use in your own script to tát tự this?

A. die 8
B. term 8
C. exit 8
D. pass 8
E. send 8

Which of the following commands is equivalent to tát typing apropos (keyword)?

A. find -l (keyword)
B. less (keyword)
C. whatis (keyword)
D. man -k (keyword)
E. grep -r (keyword)

The tail basic command will output the last _____ lines of a tệp tin.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
E. 25