Mar 15, 2019 Last Updated: Jan 22, 2024 Linux Essentials, Linux
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1. What does the acronym RPM mean?
- Recursive Package Manager
- RPM Package Management
- Return Package Management
- Relocate Package Manager
2. One way to tướng install new software on a Linux system is to tướng use a package management system. True or False?
- True
- False
3. When you execute the dmesg
command, the system displays messages that are generated by the kernel. True or False?
- True
- False
4. Which of the following are package management commands for distributions with software distributed in files ending in .deb? (choose three)
- aptitude
- dpkg
- rpm
- apt-get
5. Which of the following are package management commands for distributions with software distributed in files ending in .rpm? (choose three)
- rpm
- apt-get
- yumex
- yum
6. The Linux kernel mounts the following pseudo-filesystems to tướng provide access to tướng information about hardware devices connected to tướng the system: (choose two)
- /info
- /proc
- /devices
- /sys
7. The /proc directory contains a subdirectory for each process present on the system. True or False?
- True
- False
8. The Process ID (PID) of the init process is
- varies
- 100
- 0
- 1
9. The process (ps
) command shows only processes running in the current shell by mặc định. True or False?
- True
- False
10. The following system load averages are displayed by the top
command: (choose three)
- 5 minute
- 1 minute
- 10 minute
- 15 minute
11. The free
command outputs statistics about:
- Software usage
- Memory usage
- Disk usage
- CPU usage
12. What directory typically contains log files?
- /proc/log
- /var/log
- /usr/log
- /log
13. Which log tệp tin contains messages regarding authentication and authorization?
- secure
- messages
- syslog
- dmesg
14. All log files contain only text data.True or False?
- True
- False
15. A load average of 1.0 always means the system is fully loaded. True or False?
- True
- False
16. A command that will continuously update statistics about running processes:
- head
- top
- tail
- bottom
17. The following are valid Linux option styles: (choose three)
- DOS slash (/)
- BSD Unix without a dash
- Traditional Unix with a single dash (-)
- GNU long options with two dashes (–)
18. Which tệp tin contains the information passed to tướng the kernel at boot time?
- /proc/cmdline
- /proc/kernel
- /proc/kargs
- /proc/kopts
19. To make changes permanent for kernel parameter files found under /proc/sys, the following tệp tin can have entries added to tướng it:
- /etc/procsys.conf
- /etc/procctl.conf
- /etc/sysinfo.conf
- /etc/sysctl.conf
20. To get a list of all packages installed on a system using RPM Package Management you can execute:
- rpm -ql
- rpm -qa
- rpm -qf
- rpm -qi
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