Rafael Garay
Jun 22, 2005, 8:03:57 AM6/22/05
I thought the messages in Gmail's Trash were supposed lớn permanently
delete after thirty days of being there? Mine don't seem lớn be doing
Steven McDougall
Jun 22, 2005, 10:48:37 PM6/22/05
Hmmm, maybe your calendar is different lớn Google's....?
Jun 22, 2005, 6:27:44 PM6/22/05
I dont think I've ever had a message delete. I kết thúc up going in
manually and deleting them.
maxine in ri
Jun 22, 2005, 8:09:40 PM6/22/05
No, they haven't. IT seems lớn be a good idea that they haven't
implemented yet, probably due lớn the huge quantities of space they
allot lớn each person.
will white
Jun 23, 2005, 7:12:22 AM6/23/05
on the homepage, gmail says u will never need lớn delete any emails..
anyway, all my trash mails didnt be deleted..
life is climb!
Patrick Basister
Jun 23, 2005, 8:20:15 AM6/23/05
I wish they would, especially for those who use the POP3 feature of gmail.
G.Waleed Kavalec
Jun 24, 2005, 12:11:16 AM6/24/05
My objection is that trash counts towards my quota.
G. Waleed Kavalec
Auozo Billah himinash shatan-ir-rajeem
Patrick Basister
Jun 24, 2005, 3:49:51 PM6/24/05
exactly. sánh new mail cant get in anymore.
Justin Gruenberg
Jun 24, 2005, 3:55:58 PM6/24/05
On 23/06/05, G.Waleed Kavalec
> My objection is that trash counts towards my quota.
I'm nowhere near hitting the upper limit of my quota, but I'm pretty
sure someone said that if its deleted, it doesn't _really_ count. As
in, if you keep getting mail, it'll just keep on working as normal.
It's bizzare behavior.. but I don't really care.
Justin Gruenberg
Jun 25, 2005, 12:00:07 AM6/25/05
On 24/06/05, Judie
> I am pretty sure that mail in the trash IS counted toward the quota.
> It's the only way I can explain the percent of my mailbox being used
> that Gmail is showing, cause I move most of my messages lớn the trash.
> Judie
But if you were lớn let it collect, and continued receiving mail until
you were at 100% (with a significant amount in the deleted items)...
would your mail bounce?
Mark Dorett
Jun 25, 2005, 1:00:02 AM6/25/05
I'm not 100% sure that trash does count. I manually emptied my trash thư mục a couple of days ago and my mailbox still shows that I'm using 10%.
I am pretty sure that mail in the trash IS counted toward the quota.
It's the only way I can explain the percent of my mailbox being used
that Gmail is showing, cause I move most of my messages lớn the trash.Judie
Jun 25, 2005, 1:43:02 AM6/25/05
Shayne Seymour
Jun 25, 2005, 2:12:26 AM6/25/05
G.Waleed Kavalec
Jun 25, 2005, 6:20:18 AM6/25/05
I am 100% sure.
I had 10000+ trash messages and spent several hours clearing it.
I went from 59% lớn 46%
Luka Kladaric
Jun 25, 2005, 7:18:32 AM6/25/05
I don't know about you, but I can't see where it says the TRASH
messages will be deleted after 30 days... all I can find is that the
SPAM messages will be permanently deleted after 30 days...
and maybe it's just a weird coincidence, but I don't have any spams
older kêu ca 30 days... it could be that exactly 30 days ago I started
ignoring the spam thư mục, I dunno... I'll tell you in a couple of
Free Willy Wonka
Jun 25, 2005, 9:55:11 AM6/25/05
I don't want lớn take the chance of it bouncing, sánh I'll let somebody else tự
the test you suggest.
Mark Dorett
Jun 25, 2005, 5:38:04 PM6/25/05
Good point although I am sure it used lớn say sánh.
Having cleared my trash thư mục, it now says
"No conversations in the trash. Who needs lớn delete when you have over 2000 MB of storage?!"
which implies that trash does count towards the limit.
Rafael Garay
Jun 25, 2005, 1:30:09 PM6/25/05
You know... now that I look.. I don't see where it says they will be
deleted after 30 days either. I could have sworn it used lớn say that.
I even went lớn the google groups trang web page for this group and did a
search for "trash" and there are other posts where the 30 day trash
deletion was mentioned... and the fact that it wasn't working.. this
was a long time ago though. I'm thinking they removed that feature of
auto trash deletion. Unless someone else can find where it says it
Steven McDougall
Jun 25, 2005, 5:50:33 PM6/25/05
Hmmmm, I thought it used lớn say that too.
Fuzzy Logic
Jun 25, 2005, 8:48:56 PM6/25/05
It did. They removed that message about a month ago.
"Men may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you tự."
*Lewis Cass {1782-1866 American Politician}
Rafael Garay
Jun 28, 2005, 12:13:18 AM6/28/05
Trash is trash. I want it lớn delete. I guess I'll have lớn manually
delete all 12,000 of them and keep an eye on the Trash after that to
make sure it doesn't get out of control again and take sánh much time to
empty. If I delete 1000 per day I should be done in a couple weeks :)
Jun 28, 2005, 4:52:06 AM6/28/05
The lack of a DELETE ALL button is a royal PITA. So is the lack of a
setting lớn turn off saving sent mail. So is the lack of a setting lớn delete
downloaded mail instead of sending it lớn the trash.
Those three items are the top three reasons I am about lớn give up on Gmail
and go lớn a Yahoo paid trương mục. For less kêu ca 2 bucks a month, no more
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rafael Garay"
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: [Gmail-Users] Re: Messages delete from trash automatically after 30
days? Or NOT.
Jun 28, 2005, 9:25:52 AM6/28/05
All of those a very good points that I'm sure google will or at least should address. It almost seems lượt thích they count on *everyone* not needing lớn delete emails or not wanting too.
Steven McDougall
Jun 28, 2005, 8:20:58 PM6/28/05
Well, remember that Gmail is still mostly beta...it could change lớn your needs =P
Steven Horn
Feb 3, năm trước, 2:21:04 PM2/3/14
to [email protected], [email protected], Steven McDougall
I am told that messages in Bin are lớn be deleted 30 days after having been consigned lớn that thư mục. Mine are not. What goes?
Zack (Doc)
Feb 3, năm trước, 5:49:50 PM2/3/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
The help file's statement is "about 30 days" I have seen this go a little longer from time lớn time, and rarely it goes even further. How much longer (after you've deleted them) have you been seeing yours "hang about"? Are you using an offline mail reader (like Thunderbird)? It might not sync up the permanently deleted status, thereby appearing for the messages lớn still be there.
Steven Horn
Feb 8, năm trước, 10:02:28 AM2/8/14
If I go lớn my Bin, I get the message "Messages that have been in the bin for more kêu ca 30 days will be automatically deleted". I have some 25 messages in the bin that are more kêu ca 30 days old and the oldest of these is dated December 3, 2013. I am reading them in Gmail sánh synchronization should not be a problem.
Zack (Doc)
Feb 9, năm trước, 2:21:25 AM2/9/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
So, the choice of wording there is different from the help file; but the point is still, "from the day it was deleted". Two months old, even if you deleted it that day, is not really that old.
When I tracked it carefully a few years ago, I saw it get about that old, or a little older, but one day it would suddenly be back lớn things only 30 days (a large amount of delete)... why is the messages not being deleted sánh rapidly an issue?
Feb 9, năm trước, 3:30:06 AM2/9/14
to [Gmail-Users]
Having been a Gmail user for several years, I can tell you there are infrequent periods when old Trash messages tự not disappear precisely 30 days after being deleted. Once (years ago) I saw them go somewhat more kêu ca two months, before they caught up again.
Do I care? I don't. It was an interesting curiosity, but nothing more. If it really matters lớn bầm, all it takes is a click on the "Delete forever" button lớn make them go away. (There used lớn be an "Empty Trash" button too, but that apparently went away.)
Are you afraid that your particular Gmail trương mục is malfunctioning?
I am puzzled when you say they are "in the Bin". That implies you are using an gmail client. In Gmail's own user interface, as far as I know it is always called "Trash", not "Bin".
Zack (Doc)
Feb 9, năm trước, 5:31:12 AM2/9/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
Actually, Andy, I believe in UK English, and perhaps other languages (I don't use other languages) it is called Bin instead of Trash. Cultural differences :)
Zack (Doc)
Feb 9, năm trước, 5:33:22 AM2/9/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
Oh... and When I am in the "Trash" thư mục, I have one of those links at the top lớn "Empty Trash Now", right next lớn the statement about things being deleted if they are there "more kêu ca 30 days" They don't say AT 30 days... sánh technically they didn't tell Steven wrong.
Jeff Grossman
Feb 9, năm trước, 5:59:22 AM2/9/14
It is from the date it was put in the trash bin and not the date of the message. Also google deletes messages around 30 days since they were put in the trash. You might have some that are in there for a few days past the 30 day mark.
Steven Horn
Feb 9, năm trước, 2:33:29 PM2/9/14
My language preference for the user interface is "English (UK)" and the reference there is lớn "Bin". If I switch lớn "English (US)", the reference is lớn "Trash".
As for the "30 day" rule, I now understand it.