The following non-delivery report:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
None of your e-mail accounts could send lớn this recipient.
The Diagnostic information for administrators section also contains the following error:
#550 5.4.4 ROUTING.NoConnectorForAddressType; unable lớn route for address type
The NDR contains a
To resolve this issue:
- Delete
- Fix the type of the recipient's liên hệ email:
- Outlook 2013/2016/2019:
- Open New Email and add the recipient's name in the To field.
- Double-click the gmail address.
- If the gmail address is not added as a liên hệ, Outlook Properties window will open. If the gmail address is added as a liên hệ, the liên hệ thẻ will open. Double-click the gmail address in the liên hệ card
- Change the Email type to SMTP:
Note: if you cannot see the Outlook Properties option, you need lớn modify the registry as described in the following article: E-mail properties for liên hệ addresses in Outlook 2013/2016 - Send this new message.
Note: If you don't send a message after making this change it will revert back once the mail message is closed.
- Outlook 2013/2016/2019:
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Article ID: 10347
Last updated on: 06/04/2024 07:23 AM
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