NTFS permission - Microsoft Q&A

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NTFS permissions are used lớn manage access lớn the files and folders that are stored in NTFS tệp tin systems.

To see what kind of permissions you will be extending when you share a tệp tin or folder:

Right click on the file/folder
Go lớn “Properties”
Click on the “Security” tab
All then you’ll navigate this window:

Besides Full Control, Change, and Read that can be phối for groups or individually, NTFS offer a few more permission options:

Full control: Allows users lớn read, write, change, and delete files and subfolders. In addition, users can change permissions settings for all files and subdirectories.
Modify: Allows users lớn read and write of files and subfolders; also allows deletion of the thư mục.
Read và execute: Allows users lớn view and run rẩy executable files, including scripts.
List thư mục contents: Permits viewing and listing of files and subfolders as well as executing of files; inherited by folders only.
Read: Allows users lớn view the thư mục and subfolder contents.
Write: Allows users lớn add files and subfolders, allows you lớn write lớn a tệp tin.
If you’ve ever involved in permissions management within your organization, you’ll eventually encounter ‘broken’ permissions. Rest assured, they’re repairable.

Share Permissions
When you share a thư mục and want lớn phối the permissions for that thư mục – that’s a share. Essentially, share permissions determine the type of access others have lớn the shared thư mục across the network.

To see what kind of permissions you will be extending when you share a folder:

Right click on the thư mục
Go lớn “Properties”
Click on the “Sharing” tab
Click on “Advanced Sharing…”
Click on “Permissions”
And you’ll navigate lớn this window:

There are three types of share permissions: Full Control, Change, and Read.

Full Control: Enables users lớn “read,” “change,” as well as edit permissions and take ownership of files.
Change: Change means that user can read/execute/write/delete folders/files within share.
Read: Read allows users lớn view the folder’s contents.