I was able to tướng permanently unblock files with specific extensions by applying the following procedure, that I found at sitepoint.com :

  1. Close Outlook
  2. Run your Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
  3. Go to tướng HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/XX/Outlook/Security, where XX corresponds with your version of Office
  4. Create a new key of the type String Value, named Level1Remove
  5. Add the extensions you want to tướng unblock, separated by ; characters
    (for example : .js;.vbs;.exe)
  6. Restart Outlook

If that doesn't work, the issue is probably caused by one of Microsoft's June 2017 security patches. Instead of removing the security patch responsible, you might want to tướng consider one of the fixes or workarounds mentioned here.

answered Jul 18, 2017 at 12:18


The update blocks access to tướng attachments with long filenames and/or tệp tin names with consecutive periods

Remove this update to tướng fix :- (might want to tướng decline these updates in WSUS to tướng prevent re-installation)

Outlook 2007: KB3191898 Outlook 2010: KB3203467 Outlook 2013: KB3191938 Outlook 2016: KB3191932

Replaced with :-

Outlook 2010 KB4011042 Outlook 2013 KB3191849 Outlook năm 2016 Fixed in build 1706 - run rẩy Office update (note not fixed in Deferred channel) No fix for Outlook 2007

answered Jul 6, 2017 at 21:53

We recently had the same issue, when I removed KB3203467 (Security Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010) - this resolved the issue immediately.

Wai Ha Lee

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answered Jun 29, 2017 at 8:18


if this message comes "Outlook blocked access to tướng the following potentially unsafe attachments" message in Outlook"

Outlook goto Junk option , Never block Option

click it

then tệp tin will accessible.

answered May 30, 2018 at 5:31

We have Outlook 1808 (Office 365 up-to-date as of March 2019) and we were still receiving this message with a pdf.

We just added the sender to tướng the Safe Senders list and restarted Outlook:

  • Home -> Junk -> Junk E-mail Options -> Safe Senders -> Add the tin nhắn address (this really should be a button)
  • Tick the 'Automatically add people I tin nhắn to tướng the Safe Senders List'

answered Mar 1, 2019 at 14:46