Positive Redirection & Reinforcement Flashcards

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  • Tác giả: admin
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"Mohammed, it's not safe to lớn pull the rolling pin away from Mariah. Mariah is using that rolling pin right now. Pick another toy until she is done."

Acknowledge feelings. "I know it makes you sad and angry to lớn share this truck, and that's okay. It's fine to lớn be sad and angry. But you need to lớn be a good friend and let Johnny have a turn."

"Can I have a turn when you're done please?""So Ben, when you're done, find Sky and make sure she gets the next turn." "Well, there are sánh many fun things to lớn bởi here, I doubt you'll want to lớn play with that F O R E V E R! So when you decide you're done, just make sure you give it to lớn Sky sánh that she can be next." "Well, I know some kids lượt thích to lớn use timers to lớn decide when their turns are over. Do you two want to lớn try that? Ben, how much more time bởi you think you need?"

Oh thank you ____ for sharing. You let mạ have the ____ when you were done. That's called sharing. Thank you! That makes mạ happy that you shared.

Practice sharing with toddler together. Ask them for their favorite toy. Let them practice patience. Return it to lớn them after some time. Praise them for sharing.

Identify mine objects vs. not mine.

When a fight breaks out over a toy. Give a chance for them to lớn work it out on their own. Then intervene by separating them by firmly holding their hands and walking them to lớn quiet places to lớn cool down. Take the toy away and put it somewhere they can't get it. Ignore any crying that results.

Praise when they are calm and cooperative. Congratulate for learning how to lớn calm themselves down and work together.

Facilitate practice between them.
"Your friend would lượt thích a turn. Can you hand the toy to lớn your friend?"
"You may play with the toy for two more minutes. Then it will be your friend's turn."
"Please hand the toy back. We don't grab toys. You can say, 'May I have a turn?' But if your friend says no, you'll need to lớn wait."