QUIZ 8 CH. 8: EDITING Flashcards

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Watch this clip from The Hill (Chow, 2004). How would you describe this sequence?

master shot

True or False:

Most directors edit their own films.

Watch this clip from Bartholomew's Song (Cretton and Frank, 2005). How would you describe the sequence?

montage sequence
master shot
split screen

Which of the following editing elements are and which of the following editing elements are not used in this brief clip from the Death of the Tinman (Tintori, 2007)?

match-on-action cut
eyeline match cut
graphic match cut
the 180-degree rule

This show from Run Lola Run (Tykwer, 1998) shows the use of a ___________ to lớn achieve dramatic effect.

montage sequence
graphic match
split screen

Watch this clip from The Hill (Chow, 2004). How would you describe this sequence?

master shot

What editing technique is being used in this brief clip from The Big Charade (McKeown, 2003)?


Editors can juxtapose shots in a sequence that extends action across time by repeating the same action over multiple shots. This repetition momentarily holds viewers in a single instant of time, which assigns emphasis and significance to lớn the extended action. The famous "Odessa Steps" sequence in Sergei Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin (1925) uses this technique repeatedly. Here we see a succession of shot showing people fleeing down the steps before the cause of their fear-advancing Cossack soldiers-is revealed.
What is this technique called?

overlapping action
jump cut

Watch this brief clip from The Hill (Chow, 2004), focusing on the woman in the sequence and then fill in the blanks to lớn complete the following statement.
The filmmakers shot _____________, capturing the woman from a number of angles, but the angles are never very jarring, as they follow the __________ rule.

picture lock
axis of action

Watch this clip from Kleingeld (Bochert, 1999). What is the best mô tả tìm kiếm of this shot?

shot/reverse shot
master shot

Watch this clip from Bartholomew's Song (Cretton and Frank, 2005). How would you describe the sequence?

montage sequence
master shot
split screen

What strategy does the director use when shooting the same action of a scene using multiple angles and shot types?

parallel editing
master shot

Which of the following editing elements are and which of the following editing elements are not used in this brief clip from the Death of the Tinman (Tintori, 2007)?

match-on-action cut
eyeline match cut
graphic match cut
the 180-degree rule

Editing Element(s) Used:
match-on-action cut
the 180-degree rule

Not Editing Element(s) Used:
eyeline match cut
graphic match cut

True or False:

Cutting can either be fast or slow.

The basic building block of film editing is the ______ and its most fundamental tool is the ___________.


Place these steps in the editing process in chronological order.

picture lock
rough cut
fine cut

rough cut; fine cut; picture lock

In this clip from Bartholomew's Song (Cretton and Frank, 2005), we hear the announcement that Bartholomew 467 is "defective" and see him taken away. The next scene shows that his spot in the assembly line is now occupied by Bartholomew 468. We tự not see what happened in the gap of time between these two events. What is this editing technique called?

discontinuity editing
a montage sequence
an ellipsis
graphic match

A film editor provides the director with a video clip she created by sequencing storyboard images and adding sound. What is this called?

a cartoon
a freeze-frame
an animatic

On average, for commercial feature film, for every minute you see on the screen, how many minutes of footage were discarded?