"Unable to resolve the specified server name or IP" when adding server by IP Address to SMSMSE console

  • 33,000
  • Tác giả: admin
  • Ngày đăng:
  • Lượt xem: 33
  • Tình trạng: Còn hàng

After adding a server by IP address into the Symantec Mail Security for Exchange (SMSMSE) Administration console the following error message is displayed:

Unable to lớn resolve the specified server name or IP.
Please verify that the specified server name or IP is valid.
Internal Error: No such host is known

The IP address is not added to lớn the server list.


  • Use the following steps to lớn validate this behavior.

1. Open the SMSMSE administration console.
2. Click the Assets button at the top of the console.
3. Click Tasks|Add Server(s) to lớn bring up the Add Servers(s) dialog box.
4. Enter the IP address in the Server Name or IP textbox.
5. Click  the right facing arrow button.
6. The following error message is displayed:

Unable to lớn resolve the specified server name or IP.
Please verify that the specified server name or IP is valid.
Internal Error: No such host is known
  • The computer is unable to lớn look up the hostname associated with the IP address.

Use the nslookup tool to lớn validate this.

1. Open a command prompt and type the following and click Enter:


This displays the DNS server used:

Default Server:  internal
Address:  192.x.x.3


2. Type the IP address of the server and click Enter.

If the following error message is shown then this condition is met:

*** 192.x.x.3 can't find 192.x.x.181: Non-existent domain

This indicates that the hostname of the IP address cannot be resolved by the DNS server.

NOTE:  When the hostname can be resolved the following message is displayed:

Server:  localhost

Name:    internal
Address:  192.x.x.200