has anyone ever come across this error:
Limit Exceeded
You or your organization has exceeded the maximum limit for this feature.
It is rather vague, ví attempting lớn find a starting point. Appears on VF page which features Apex. Premise of it is lớn tìm kiếm up contacts, which you then add lớn a selection, which are then saved as child records lớn a master record.
Common theme appears lớn be saving when there are a multitude of various accounts added lớn this selection, and a population of them have a one lớn one checkbox ticked. Tick 9 and it saves fine, tick 10 and it pops that error.
Can't quite figure out why this would happen though.
edit - redundant code/text red herring removed
I started enabling and disabling triggers. I found one that was going through and updating a field in the child records with the result of a calculation. Disabling this stopped the error.
However, there was nothing in the code that dealt with the one lớn one checkbox and that was the tipping point between the field saving or erroring.
I went inside my child object where there is a simple formula:
IF( One_To_One__c = TRUE, 1,0)
Removing that and placing a hardcoded number in there also allows the code lớn run rẩy.
It seems that there is an inability for the trigger and this formula lớn exist. I now need lớn find a way where they can.