Ways to fix "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404" 2024 - Engine

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Are you getting the dreaded “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error message? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common causes of this error, as well as some ways to lớn fix it. Read on to lớn learn more!

Why did your trang web get the “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error?

The “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error is caused by a resource (such as a tệp tin or page) being requested by a client (e.g., a trang web browser) that cannot be found on the server. The “404” status code indicates that the requested resource could not be found on the server.

This error can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the requested tệp tin being deleted or moved, the URL is typed incorrectly, or the server is down or temporarily unavailable.

fail to lớn load resource

There are several ways to lớn handle the “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error. Now, you can kiểm tra the following solutions.

Solution 1: Check the WordPress URL

  • Open the trang web browser’s developer tools (e.g., press F12 in Chrome or Firefox) and inspect the Network tab to lớn view the failed request.
  • Check the URL of the requested resource to lớn make sure it is typed correctly and that the resource has not been moved or deleted.
  • If the URL is incorrect, update the links or code to lớn the correct URL.
  • If the resource has been moved, update the links or code to lớn the new location of the resource.

Solution 2: Replace the missing resource

Replacing the missing resource can indeed handle the “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error. If the resource is no longer available or has been deleted, replacing it with a new resource or an alternative resource that provides similar information can resolve the error and allow the page to lớn load correctly. This is a common approach for handling 404 errors, especially for resources that are critical to lớn the functionality of the trang web.

Here is a step-by-step guide to lớn fix this error by replacing the missing resource:

  1. Identify the missing resource: Open the trang web browser’s developer tools (e.g., press F12 in Chrome or Firefox) and inspect the Network tab to lớn view the failed request. Check the URL of the requested resource to lớn determine which resource is missing.
  2. Acquire a new resource: Obtain a new resource that is similar to lớn the missing resource. This can be done by downloading a new copy of the resource, creating a new resource, or finding an alternative resource that provides similar information.
  3. Upload the new resource: If the new resource is a tệp tin (such as an image or a JavaScript file), upload the new resource to lớn the server. Make sure to lớn upload it to lớn the same location as the missing resource.
  4. Update the links or code: If the missing resource was being referenced in a links or in the source code, update the links or code to lớn reference the new resource. Make sure the URL of the new resource is correct.
  5. Test the page: After making the changes, test the page to lớn make sure the new resource is being loaded correctly and that the “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error has been resolved.

Solution 3:Disable and reactivate all plugins

Another great solution to lớn handle this error is to lớn disable and reactivate all plugins that you installed on your WordPress site, especially if the error is caused by a plugin. Now, let’s follow the steps below to lớn fix this error.

  1. Log in to lớn your WordPress dashboard with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to lớn the “Plugin” section in your WordPress dashboard where you can see all installed plugins
  3. Select all the plugins and deactivate them. You can tự this by selecting them one by one and clicking on the “Deactivate” button or by selecting all the plugins and bulk deactivating them.
  4. After deactivating the plugins, kiểm tra the page to lớn see if the error has been resolved. If the error is still present, move on to lớn the next step.
  5.  Next, reactivate the plugins one by one and kiểm tra the page after each activation to lớn see if the error is still present. This will help you determine which plugin is causing the error.
  6. If you have determined which plugin is causing the error, disable it permanently.
  7. If the plugin is critical to lớn your website’s functionality, find an alternative plugin that provides similar functionality and activate it.

fix the error

Solution 4: Replace another theme

Moreover, to lớn fix the “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error, you can replace the theme that you are using with another theme. Because any incompatible or outdated theme on your trang web is one of the reasons causing this error. Now, in order to lớn replace another theme, you can track the following steps.

  1. Log in to lớn the WordPress dashboard
  2. Go to lớn Appearance > Themes from your WordPress admin
  3. Next, let’s click on the “Add new” button to lớn install a new theme that is similar to lớn your current theme. Make sure it is compatible with the version of your WordPress
  4. After installing the new theme, activate it.
  5. Once the new theme is activated, let’s kiểm tra the page to lớn see if the error has been resolved. If the error is still present, move on to lớn the next step.
  6. If the error is still present, deactivate the new theme and switch back to lớn your original theme.
  7. After switching back to lớn your original theme, kiểm tra the page again to lớn see if the error still appears, which means that this error is not caused by the theme.

Replace another theme

The bottom line

By following these solutions, you should be able to lớn resolve the “Failed to lớn load resource: the server responded with a status of 404” error. In case, the error still exists, please leave a comment below. We will tư vấn you as soon as possible.

Moreover, don’t forget to lớn follow our trang web to lớn update more useful troubleshooting blogs related to lớn WordPress. By the way, you can also visit our trang web to lớn discover a list of bewitching, không tính tiền WordPress themes.