Week 3 Package Managers & Background Flashcards

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Practice questions for this set

Makes sure that the process of software installation, removal, update, and dependency management is as easy and automatic as possible

Personal Package Archive (PPA)

Advanced Package Tools (APT)

Makes sure that the process of software installation, removal, update, and dependency management is as easy and automatic as possible

A third tiệc nhỏ package manager for windows

install-package -name sysinternals

What command tự you use for powershell to tát install a package?

get-package -name sysinternals

What command tự you use for powershell to tát retrieve a downloaded package?

uninstall-package -name sysinternals

What command tự you use for powershell to tát uninstall a package?

Advanced Package Tools (APT)

What is the package manager in Ubuntu called?

Using linux how would you install the program gimp?

Using linux how would you remove the program gimp?

Servers that act lượt thích a central storage location for packages

In Ubuntu, where are repository sources listed?

Personal Package Archive (PPA)

A software repository for uploading source packages to tát be built and published as an Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) repository by Launchpad.

In ubuntu how tự you get the most up-to-date software in your repositories?

In ubuntu how tự you upgrade any packages on your machine?

Install-package -name awesomesoftware -source chocolatey

Which of the following PowerShell commands will install the package "awesomesoftware" from the Chocolatey software source?

Before you install software, which of the following commands should you lập cập to tát get an updated version of your software?