Today, we have installed oracle on server và were trying to tát schedule cron job for daily database backup.

When we tried to tát access the cron, we got an error.

Issue :

$ crontab -l
You (oracle) are not allowed to tát use this program (crontab)
See crontab(1) for more information

Solution :

This error is due to tát oracle don’t have access to tát crontab.

There are two files on server, to tát allow và deny access to tát crontab, Files are named as


check that if oracle user is present in cron.deny tệp tin. if it is present remove oracle user from cron.deny tệp tin và add oracle user to tát cron.allow tệp tin.

In my case, oracle user was not present in any of the tệp tin.

# cát /etc/cron.allow

so, i haved added oracle user to tát cron.allow tệp tin, tệp tin will look as follows:

# cát /etc/cron.allow

Now Oracle user able to tát access the crontab.

$ crontab -l
no crontab for oracle

NOTE – If the files“/etc/cron.allow” and “/etc/cron.deny” files are not present on server / system, we can create both files manually.

# touch /etc/cron.allow /etc/cron.deny