Email address is not verified (AWS SES)

  • 7,000
  • Tác giả: admin
  • Ngày đăng:
  • Lượt xem: 7
  • Tình trạng: Còn hàng

In my case, I wanted to tướng tin nhắn to tướng the same verify tin nhắn address. So, I verified my tin nhắn by DKIM as @Greg Wozniak mentioned. I saw the field tick green and verified:

But I was still seeing:

Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the kiểm tra in region...

The solution in my case was to tướng add this function in the code:

def verify_email_identity():
    ses_client = boto3.client("ses", region_name="us-east-1")
    response = ses_client.verify_email_identity(
        # Thư điện tử address that will receive the tin nhắn 
        # In my case the same tin nhắn address 
        # that was verified on Amazon SES
        EmailAddress="[email protected]"

Taken from this website

So, I received a new tin nhắn to tướng verify the recipient tin nhắn address. After verify the recipient tin nhắn address by clicking on the liên kết sent by Amazon SES. I was able to tướng send the tin nhắn with this code:

client = boto3.client('ses',region_name="us-east-1")
# Try to tướng send the tin nhắn.
    #Provide the contents of the tin nhắn.
    response = client.send_email(
            'ToAddresses': [
                [email protected],
            'Body': {
                'Html': {
                    'Charset': "UTF-8",
                    'Data': "Test",
            'Subject': {
                'Charset': "UTF-8",
                'Data': "Test",
        [email protected],
# Display an error if something goes wrong. 
except ClientError as e:
    print("Email sent! Message ID:"),