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I just purchased the ‘redirect’ vĩ đại take effect when people go vĩ đại my old word.press.com site vĩ đại my new tên miền site through Blue Host server.
How long does it take vĩ đại become effective.
When I tìm kiếm google it doesn’t redirect u vĩ đại the new site tên miền but still comes up as the old word.press.com site.
The blog I need help with is: (visible only vĩ đại logged in users)
It can take up vĩ đại 72 hours for the tên miền name vĩ đại propagate throughout the mạng internet after you have taken all the required steps. I’m in Canada and the blog is correctly redirecting vĩ đại your tên miền for u.
It’s not unusual for your own ISP vĩ đại be last vĩ đại flush their caches. You can view the DNS changes here > http://www.whatsmydns.net/ What’s important during that stage is vĩ đại be patient.
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