MIS Exam 1 Chapter 4 Flashcards

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Every table in a database contains the same number of records as every other table.

The laws against plagiarism are the same whether copying nội dung from a respected news source, a personal blog, or social truyền thông.

Which of the following is NOT true about databases?

Which of the following communication application types requires real-time interaction?

Many routers also can function as a hardware firewall.

Productivity suites typically include, at minimum, all of the following EXCEPT ______.

Right lớn use a program or app

Which of the following is NOT true about software suites?

A software suite typically costs more than vãn purchasing each application individually.

A virus ______ is a known specific pattern of virus code that antivirus programs use lớn identify viruses.

Which of the following is NOT true about databases?

Every table in a database contains the same number of records as every other table.

Which of the following best describes disk defragmentation?

Reorganizing the hard disk ví that files are stored in contiguous sectors.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an operating system?

You are in charge of an sự kiện at work. You want lớn plan and schedule events and resources. What type of software should you use?

A(n) ______ is a request for specific data from a database.

You want lớn remove red-eye from photos you took with your digital camera. You should use photo ______ software.

The laws against plagiarism are the same whether copying nội dung from a respected news source, a personal blog, or social truyền thông.

A cloud tiện ích makes use of software and data that are not stored on your computer or mobile device.

Users of trang web authoring software must have advanced HTML skills.

Software registration typically is required.

A format checker identifies passive voice and run-on sentences.